I'm so glad Kirsten came down from Keystone for her senior portraits! Apparently she's a super amazing skiier and enough of a local celebrity that some random ten-year-old recognized her on the street :) In my opinion, senior portraits are supposed to be a ton of fun and reflect who you really are - and I definitely think we accomplished that on this shoot. I can't wait to shoot more seniors from Summit High School! Thanks, Kirsten & congratulations on graduating this winter!
So, right about now (below) as we were shooting, this random 10 year old kid keeps trying to get into the picture: hamming it up, running up behind Kirsten to do quick bunny ears, shouting at the top of his lungs, "HEY! Take a picture of ME!" We kept trying to just ignore the kid and keep shooting... then finally when we turned to ask him to please leave us alone for a minute or two, he says, "Wait, are you Kirsten?" Keep in mind we're shooting about two hours away from where she lives. She had never seen this kid before, but he said, "Aren't you, like, a really good skiier and stuff?" So there you go. I know an up-and-coming celebrity skiier. Yeah, not kidding.