Outdoor gear retailer Rocky Mountain Trail is putting together their first print catalog, and I was invited to shoot it! Here are a few quick shots from the catalog shoot. Be sure to check them out - they have fabulous deals on jackets & backpacks.
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I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with several local wedding vendors and my friends at the Chamber to put together this fabulous styled wedding shoot at the Turner Farm. We decided at our last meeting to try to put together a styled shoot, and somehow we pulled this thing off with less than a week's worth of planning. I'm amazed it worked out! It was so fun to have all my fun vendor friends working together in the same place, and I can't begin to explain how much I love the Turner Farm as a quirky, rustic, cozy, historic venue. I mean, really - who doesn't want to get married in an apple orchard at a historic Colorado farm house? For more information about booking the Turner Farm for your own wedding, contact the Buena Vista Heritage group!Our wonderful vendors included:
Attire from Love's Bridal
Flowers by Mountain Meadows Flowers & Gifts and Buffy's Flowers
Linens, tables, & place settings by Antero Event Rental
Delicious treats by Michelle at The Kalamata Pit
And a huge thank-you to Kathy from the Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce, and of course, our amazing models Danica and Brad.
Two wonderful bouquets from two wonderful florists:
Apple aisle = my totally impromptu idea. I'm so proud.
Brad and Danica both happen to be friends of mine. At one point, Brad asked, "So, what made you choose me to model for you?" Aside from the fact that his style just makes me happy, I knew I could count on Brad to be utterly fabulous in front of the camera :)
Danica - you are GORGEOUS. Seriously.
There are supposed to be all sorts of tricks to photographing food. I don't know any of them. That's how good The Kalamata Pit's food is. Doesn't this look amazing?
A GIGANTIC thank-you to everyone who made this shoot amazing! I can't wait for the next one :)
Brittany & Ayla are two of my favorite, favorite seniors from last year. They go to different schools, so I had no idea they knew each other, but apparently they're good friends from skiing and snowboarding together. Brittany is usually very articulate, so I was a little bit confused when she was being so vague in her emails to me.
"What sorts of ideas do you have?" I'd ask.
"Oh, well, I have some ideas," she'd write back. I started to think that something was up, but I let it slide. When we met for their session, she was showing me all the stuff she brought - dresses, shoes, accessories - and then she started smirking. And explained that she also brought a giant hot dog suit and a giant banana suit. Is it any wonder I love these girls so much?
I. Love. Modeling portfolios! These sessions are outrageous amounts of fun, and miss Elle was a natural. The purpose of a modeling portfolio shoot is to show the model's diversity and ability to pull off multiple "looks" - it's also fun for me because I get to spend a ton of time with one client and get fun and creative with someone who's excited about being in front of the camera! Elle and I have been talking about this session for a while and it was fun to finally be able to pull it all together. I loved getting to know this girl and constantly found myself talking to her as if she were a peer and not 10 -15 years younger :) Plus, after the session, I got the sweetest message from her on Facebook :"Molly, i have officially decided that you are my favorite person in the whole wide world! I can't thank you enough for yesterday. You made it so fun and so easy. You are a great person and a great photographer. I love you (:"
And this is really my favorite part of the job: not just capturing images, but making new friends :) Enjoy the beautifulness that is Elle! She's amazing in front of the camera!
The one on the left (above) is one of my absolute favorite images from the shoot. So perfume ad or Candie's or Guess... this girl's gonna make it! :)
Love those freckles!
I'm thinking Lucky Jeans for this one? What do you think :)
Recipe for modeling portfolio = two parts color. Five parts shoes. Three parts insanity / chaos. Shaken, not stirred.
Love you, Elle! Good luck, girl!
Here are a few images from a promotional shoot I did for Rocky Mountain Trail 's back to school campaign. The images will be used in RMT's banner ads, email marketing, and as the new background themes for the Jansport, DaKine, North Face, and High Sierra pages. Check em out and pick up some awesome gear! We had so much fun during this shoot - a huge thanks to my lovely models, Elle, Austyn, & Shawn!